Author Archive for: Monarch Plastic Surgery

Entries by Monarch Plastic Surgery

Renuvion — The Answer to Tightening Skin

Say goodbye to loose skin with Renuvion! This innovative technology — new to Monarch Plastic Surgery — allows our clients to tighten skin in those areas that need a little love. Read on to learn about how Renuvion can deliver proven results and give you the skin you’ve always wanted.

What You Need to Know About Laser Hair Reduction

Now that summer is winding down, it’s the perfect time to think about receiving laser hair reduction! Shaving, waxing, tweezing and depilatory creams are typically the methods people use to get rid of unwanted hair — but these are temporary solutions. Laser hair reduction is a safe, noninvasive treatment that can permanently reduce hair growth in a specific area.

Laughing Gas Brings Serious Relief to Monarch Plastic Surgery Patients

Though it’s completely normal to feel a little anxious going into a cosmetic procedure, at Monarch Plastic Surgery, we want you to be as comfortable as possible. A simple solution may come in the form of “laughing gas”, or nitrous oxide. Seriously, though, it’s no laughing matter — we take patient comfort very seriously, which is why Monarch is now offering PRO-NOX soothing treatment.

Exfoliation Q&A by Jessica Hager

Ex·fo·li·ate, by definition, means (of a material) to come apart or be shed from a surface in scales or layers. Exfoliating your skin is very important because you are removing dead skin buildup, which helps promote the formation of healthy new skin cells.