Tips to Choose the Best Breast Implant Size for Your Body

Typically, women think of implant size based on bra size. But, implant size actually has nothing to do with bra size since those sizes vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Just because you’re a 34B at Victoria’s Secret doesn’t mean you’ll fit perfectly in every 34B bra you find. Here are some tips to achieve the results you want from breast augmentation surgery.

Bring visuals.

Photos are a good way to show your plastic surgeon what you are looking for out of a breast augmentation. You can bring in photos or ask your surgeon to look through their before-and-after gallery. It’s important to note that results vary because every woman’s body is different and breast tissue amount varies woman to woman.

Communicate clearly with your surgeon.

Discuss your breast goals with your surgeon openly. You don’t want to wake up with chest size reminiscent of Kim Kardashian if you had a Kate Hudson look in mind. Be as specific as possible when discussing your breast augmentation goals so that your surgeon can determine whether or not they are realistic. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has a great list of breast augmentations questions to ask your surgeon.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Don’t- Select a implant size without visualizing what it will look like post-op. Dr. Keith Hodge, our board certified plastic surgeon, said this, “You want to choose an implant that fits your breast dimensions. The implant should not be wider than your natural breast. I would suggest trying on sizers with a sports bra so you can visualize your post-op appearance.”

Do- Your homework. Homework may seem like a thing of the past, but if you’re considering surgery, you’ll want to do some research. Find examples of breasts that are appealing to you. It’s also a good idea to research the plastic surgeons in your area.

Watch our very own Dr. Paul J. Leahy explain what to expect when you come in for a breast augmentation: If you’ve been considering a breast augmentation, the next step you can take is to schedule a consultation. Click here to request a time for a consult or call us at 913-663-3838 today.

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